Our Services

Elite Roster of Exclusive Content Creators | Social Media Management | Influencer Marketing | Content Creation and More

We search our vast influencer database to match the best creators with your specific needs.

We tailor bespoke projects according to each project since each project is unique...

We build the bridge with you and our talents. We setup communication at every stage of the project.

Our law department provides experienced solutions for the contract between the brands and the creators.

We have top-notch content patterns and guidelines which build most effective campaigns.

We have a highly talented media team that creates amazing productions which is the core of the campaigns.

Our onsite management skills not only afford our clients flawless event execution, but also peace of mind, allowing them to focus on their key stakeholders.

We track every step of the campaign to ensure everything runs smooth and perfect. We secure quality from the first moment we start a project.

Paid social advertising can be a game-changer for performance marketers. Our ultimate team proves how social advertisers can flourish.

Our social media content management enables a thorough understanding of what type of content performs best on each platform.

We keep the records and analyze data to understand the performance of your campaign in order to eliminate low-performing factors.

At JEXY, we are focused on the most effective strategies which have been tested for long years in thousands of campaigns. We adapt these strategies according to your global brand goals to ensure the best result is obtained with the most efficient campaign.

The main step is to connect you with the top social media influencers and creators which help you meet with your target audiences. We help you at every stage of a campaign: from creating stunning content to measuring progress. We are the guarantee that your campaign will succeed.